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Suitability diagnostics approach

What's the benefit of using suitability diagnostics?

Personnel decisions are complex and have noticeable effects. Wrong decisions cause a lot of additional effort and high costs. It therefore makes sense to pay close attention to the selection process and talent management so that there are no unpleasant surprises after hiring or promoting someone.

Professional suitability diagnostics help to identify suitable candidates and fill key positions appropriately, instead of hiring employees at random or purely based on sympathy.


As a licensed suitability diagnostician (DIN33430) I work according to the quality criteria of the DIN33430 and the principle of the trimodal approach to suitability diagnostics.

The trimodal approach to suitability diagnostics

In order to be able to assess people's personality and abilities as comprehensively as possible, I always combine different methods in suitability diagnostics:


Every person brings their personality and individual skills to the workplace. In addition to the personal impression, psychological testing procedures provide information about  individual characteristics. The results never stand alone, but are included in an overall assessment.


"The best of prophets of the future is the past." (Lord Byron).

Every person has their own individual biography that can tell us a lot. It is therefore worth having a closer look at the life paths, decisions and results of the applicants in a (partially) structured interview.


Simulation tasks make relevant behavior observable and supplement self-assessments. For example, simulated employee appraisals, sales pitches or team meetings can provide information about communication styles and other soft skills. 

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